Recent research in music perception has shown that listening to different music genres affects eating preferences and behaviors (Fiegel et al., 2014). However, an investigation of the musical characteristics of these different genres has yet to be explored in relation to food preference. I seek to analyze musical components of classical, jazz, hip-hop, and rock music, which will be chosen and categorized by musical attributes such as tempo, timbre, and key. Participants will be recruited to listen to these excerpts and report which type of food seems most appealing, such as savory, salty, or sweet foods. Familiarity of musical excerpts will be considered. As shown in previous research (Motoki et al., 2022; Jing et al., 2024), classical music and hip-hop are expected to increase preference for sweet foods. Jazz is expected to increase preference for savory foods. Rock music is expected to increase preference for salty foods.