9:00 - 10:15 Welcome and Paper Session I (College of Music Concert Hall) --
Analytical Issues in Rock Music
Andrew Fowler: "Revision in Rock"
Kevin Clifton: "Tori's Promissory Note: The Significance of F# in 'Putting the Damage On'"
Sarah Reichardt: "Repetition and Interval Pairing as Formal Processes in Joan Tower's Island Prelude"
Vincent Benitez: "A Creative Legacy: Messiaen as Teacher of Analysis"
2:00 p.m. Keynote Address (College of Music Recital Hall) --
"Of Tempo, Science, and Other Things"
3:15 - 5:00 Paper Session III (College of Music Recital Hall) -- Music and Its Past
Gene K. Willet: "The Use of Pre-Existing Music to Convey Romantic Irony in Mahler's First Symphony"
Jonathan Brooks: "Excavating Tonal Artifacts in Arnold Schoenberg's 'Mädchenlied,' Op. 48, No. 3"
Mark McFarland: "Anxiety over the 'Anxiety of Influence'"
Panelists: David Hooten (McLennan Community College), theory instructor Stefan Kostka (University of Texas), theory instructor, textbook author Robert Nelson (University of Houston), theory instructor, textbook author Patricia Price (High School for the Visual and Performing Arts, Houston), theory instructor Steve Werpy (University of Houston), music education instructor John Snyder (University of Houston), moderator