
Texas Society for Music Theory
43rd Annual Conference
March 5 - 6, 2021
Virtual Conference

Conference Program

All events are Central Standard Time

A Zoom link will be provided to all registrants

Registration is required for access to the conference, however the TSMT Board invites registrants to pay as they are able. Payment of annual dues is required to maintain membership in and participate in the business of the Texas Society for Music Theory (TSMT).

March 5

TSMT 2021 Business Meeting followed by virtual social hour: (4:00 p.m.)

March 6 - Morning Sessions

WELCOME: (9:00)

Keynote Address: (Live at 9:05 - 10:20 ) - On Confronting Music Theory's Antiblackness: Three Case Studies.

Philip Ewell, Associate Professor at CUNY Hunter College with a joint appointment at CUNY Graduate Center.

KEY: Presentation Video Presentation Handout

Videos linked here are for viewing in advance. Presenters will deliver a 5-minute summary and answer questions posted to the Zoom chat during the live session time.

SESSION I: (10:30 - 11:15 ) - Session Chair: Jose Garza, Texas State University

SESSION II: (11:25 - 11:55 ) - Session Chair: Ann Stutes, Wayland Baptist University

LUNCH: (12:00 - 12:40)

The Zoom link will remain active during lunch, and breakout rooms will be available for small group conversation.

March 6 - Afternoon Sessions

SESSION III: (12:45 - 1:30 ) - Session Chair: Ellen Bakulina, University of North Texas

SESSION IV: (1:40 - 2:25 ) - Session Chair: Horace Maxile, Baylor University

Pedagogy Session (Live at 2:35 - 3:45 ) - Designing Effective and Engaging Music Fundamentals Resources for Online Teaching

Session Chair: Blaise Ferrandino, Texas Christian University
Presenters: Rachel Mann and Katrina Roush, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley

With the disruption of face-to-face teaching due to COVID-19, the need for scalable, high-quality online music resources has never been greater. Learn tips for building online fundamentals materials, incorporate basic aural and musicianship skills, get a list of free and low-cost tech resources, and discover what topics are taught in collegiate music fundamentals courses across the nation.

Supporting documents:

TSMT Executive Board

Cynthia I. Gonzales (Texas State University), President
David Forrest (Texas Tech University), President-Elect
Kevin Clifton (Sam Houston State University), Secretary
Andrew Davis (University of Houston), Treasurer
Ellen Bakulina (University of North Texas)
Samantha Inman (Stephen F. Austin State University)
Eric Lai (Baylor University)
Ann Stutes (Wayland Baptist University)

Program Committee

Amy Fleming (Baylor University)
Robert Hatten (University of Texas at Austin)
Katrina Roush (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)
Scott Strovas (Wayland Baptist University)
Andrew Vagts (University of North Texas), 2020 TSMT Colvin Award Recipient

[TSMT Web Site]